Hey Folks, I'm Tony

Since 2011 I've been showing people how to
invest in property, pay less tax, pay off their homes faster and double their retirement wealth....
Image of a smiling man, in a light blue collared shirt, the owner of the business

At Your Property Investing we know you are the kind of person who wants to be financially secure and enjoy being free from your job.

In order to be that way and have that freedom you will need to have more than just your super

Have you heard the saying “Don’t have all your eggs in one basket?

I’ll help you to double or triple your wealth through the most stable wealth vehicle of all, Australian property.

The problem you have is a lack of property investment knowledge is what's stopping you from building your wealth.

This lack of knowledge can make you feel that property investing ss just too risky or you think you might make mistakes and lose money.

I know the feeling that's how I felt when I started investing in 2002.

I went through feeling STUCK myself back in 2002 when I started my own property investing journey.

I was on my own, I didn’t have the knowledge and I was scared to get started.

The way I fast tracked my wealth happened when I found a property mentor instead of trying to do things on my own.

Now, after 23+ years of being involved in property investing I realise that it is quite simple to do and I also understand that you may not fully understand the steps involved just yet.

That’s why I’ve have been helping people like you safely and successfully invest in property since 2011.

I give you the knowledge, my experience and the right path to take by holding your hand every step of the way.

Here’s how it works in 3 simple steps.

Step 1. Let’s have a chat on the phone to see if this is for you or not (Let’s just assess your current position and your money target goal) If you’re a good fit we move to step 2.
Step 2. I'll use my 23 years of property experience do the market research for you.
Step 3. Based on that research we find you the right property that makes you money and builds your wealth.

Break free from financial worries! Schedule a call now to unlock the path to a prosperous, stress-free lifestyle. Take charge of your future and enjoy the wealth you deserve.

Start building your wealth today and become a successful property investor who enjoys the tax breaks, passive income and financial security property gives you so you can have a safe and secure financial future.

Schedule A Call

Here’s the TOP 5 Reasons Property Investors Use My Services.

  1. I help aspiring wealth builders like you to overcome any fears or obstacles to property investing.
    You hold my hand while I do all the heavy lifting for you.
  2. Some people think they can’t afford to invest in property. The investors I work with invest in property for as little as $50 per week.
  3. When it comes to losing money in real estate, Australian property prices have continued to grow for the past 70 years and will continue to do so going forward. I’ve never had a client lose money in real estate following my system.
  4. If you are worried about bad tenants I know that having the right property in the right location with the right insurances in place de-risks your investment and covers you if you ever have any tenant issues.
  5. My property advisory service comes with a 100% no questions asked money back guarantee.
    In fact I guarantee to make you money on your first or next property purchase.

My Australia wide market research helps us identify the key areas for upcoming property price growth which increases your chances of making
money faster through property investing.

Did you know the biggest property market crash in Australia has been just 6 – 7 % in the past 80 years and the market has always recovered and prices have risen again.

Taking the first step is just a phone conversation to see if it is the right move for you.
Property can help you build your wealth faster and put you in a position to retire earlier.
Property can give you more financial security than just having super on it's own.

If you do nothing, you will end up living on or below the poverty line eating baked beans and 2-minute noodles.

Go from feeling stuck and helpless worrying about having enough money to enjoying a happy, comfortable lifestyle to becoming a successful property investor who enjoys the tax breaks and passive income and the financial security property gives you.

Imagine yourself having that safe and secure financial future for you and your family.

Ditch the Property Investing Guesswork!

Reduce the Risks with Our 3-Step Action Plan
Unlock Your Riches - Get Started Today

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Owner of the business, standing outdoors, looking relaxed and smiling

Why did Tony start your Property Investing?

For Tony, the catalyst to create Your Property Investing came from a series of events that happened to him around the time he was 30 years old. “I found myself suddenly a single dad, with no money, and no support. I remember walking into Centrelink, I was feeling vulnerable and helpless. I was there to ask for babysitting support so I could go back to work...
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How we use the psychology of money to help!

One of the very first thing’s Tony came to understand is that growing wealth is exactly like most things in life that you’re trying to improve - you need to have a vision or a goal; otherwise you’ll drift around in the same...
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Image of a glass jar, filled with coins and money, with a green seedling starting to sprout from the pile of money

Breaking patterns for a new and better relationship with money!

Tony quickly learned he was another example of ‘monkey see, monkey do’ in modelling the  patterns and thoughts his parents had when it came to money. Most of us don’t...
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A man with a bunch of coins in his hand, adding them to 3 piles of coins on the table in front of him

We don't care much for labels

A young professional looking to invest (as they continue to rent in their preferred suburb).

Image of a house with a magnifying glass hovering over the top of it

Someone ready to explore purchasing a property through their self-managed super fund.

Image of a young, busy couple

A busy, growing, dual income family who knows they need to get their money working harder to set up a beautiful, abundant future for their kids.

A clipboard and graph showing reports and bar graphs

An experienced investor needing advice on where the next growth corridor is.

No matter what stage of life you're in, we create the opportunity to use property to set yourself up for a stress-free, comfortable financial future.

Take our short quiz to get an idea of whether you’re ready to start your investing journey.

Start quiz

Not Your Typical Buyer's Advocate.

Our all in one investment advisory service, does a lot of what a buyers agent will do - we research, we negotiate, we secure the best property. But in a number of ways that count, we’re not at all like a typical agent working in real estate.
We make deals that are exclusive and off market
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We dont deal with real estate agents and mass market stock
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We work directly with developers that are vetted as reliable operators acting with integrity and honesty (and good cashflow so they’re stable)
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We frequently say no to ‘deals’, assessing every single opportunity on its merits
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We do not work to maximise commission for ourselves or the developers
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We take a hands on approach to ensuring agreements are honoured to the full extent and directly resolve any issues should they arise
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We use capitalise on knowledge of the building industry, ensuring builds are top quality
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Working with Tony and Your Property Investing is like having a money coach in your pocket, with decades of experience in the construction industry, who hunts down and secures the best individual property to match your wealth acceleration strategy.

Partner with your property investing to drive real change, for real people

Whether it’s your client, your team or entire employee group - we help people build their financial education as the first critical step towards financial freedom.
A large house with a small house beside it
Small to large business

Digital to in person delivery, our financial education wellness programme can help everyone from leadership level to the interns; yes even the finance team.

A professional woman holding a stack of paper with profiles and writing on the paper
Financial planners & accountants

As fellow advisers, we pair with planners and accounts to help execute on property component of building wealth and minimising tax.

2 stacks of money representing finance and brokers
Brokers and mortgage lenders

We work with brokers client to ensure they’re getting the right property to capitalise on their equity and borrowing power.

What is the minimum team size for your financial education wellness program?
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We work with teams of all sizes, catering to the investment your business is looking to make. Whether you want an all day session for 100 people, or a bespoke series for a select few like a management team - we are available to co-create a financial wellness programme to suit your team size, budget, timeline and desired outcomes.
Do I need a financial planner or accountant to work with you?
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We frequently partner with other financial planners, brokers and accountants when building and executing on wealth strategies for clients; however, it is not compulsory for you to have one or both for you to be able progress to purchasing an investment property.
Do you cost the same as a buyers advocate?
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While every buyer advocate or firm individually prices their offering, we generally are priced differently to others in market. Many buyers advocates will charge per transaction - we do not; many will charge based on a percentage of the final sale price - we do not and many are working towards finding the perfect specifications for you to live in the home whereas we are driven by choosing and using investment property to generate positive cashflow now & into the future. A quick search will reveal minimum spend for a buyers advocate might be $5,000 (or up) whereas as puffer advisors service is set at $1497 - one time only.
Can I just do some money coaching and not buy a property?
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Some of our clients will discover they're not in the financial position to progress straight to purchasing a property. In this instance we recommend a smaller investment in some structured money coaching to set a plan and take steps towards getting ready for a purchase. The money coaching will support overall financial literacy so you feel more empowered to understand the basics of financial management, setting goals, budgeting, cashflow management and tactics to build good money habits. When executed this coaching will set you on the path to growing long term wealth for a financially stress free retirement.
What kind of property does Your Property Investing source?
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We have long standing relationships with varying types of providers, builders and developers meaning we source investment properties from a number of different categories. Some of these options include boutique apartments, short stay rentals, house and land packages and off the plan builds (among others). The properties are sourced with the intent to match with your personalised wealth building strategy and intensely researched to maximise positive return on investment. All the details of your recommended property type will be included in your tailored research report.
How does Your Property Investing make money?
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We work to maximise our clients wealth, which means we negotiate on commissions directly with suppliers, leaving you with a one-off fee of only $1497 to engage our property advisory services. Unlike other buyers advocates we never work on a percentage based commission and we do not encourage extra, unnecessary expenses such as expensive niche insurances that generally only serve to increase use fees. Transparency and integrity of how we charge you is a core value, with no hidden fees or incremental charges regardless of whether its your first property with us, or your fifth.